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发表于 2008-3-8 19:16:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

今天看了今年奥斯卡的最佳影片《老无所依》(no country for old men)
片源最好选择电驴的思路a720 BD-re版本,翻译得不错,画质也还不错!
Anton Chigurh代表着死神,他那罩帽和裹尸布般的发型以及暗黑色的着装无不令人联想到死神。死神向有罪的人甚至于无辜者下手,他遵循着自己的一系列规则。当高楼里受害的目击人问道,“你要杀了我吗”,死神回答,“这决定于,你看见我了吗?”当车祸后骑车的孩子帮助他的时候,他对他们说,“你们没有看见我”。如果你看见死神,你便会死去;如果没有看见,那么你可以存活。Chigurh似乎总可以来去自如,似乎总是可以毫不费力的知道Moss的所在。他的原则便是他的原则,它们看起来独断随意。他被长官称为“幽灵”,似乎总能到达他要去的地方
Carla Jean则是自由意志的象征,她在最后选择了不由死神任意安排。她拥有百分之五十的机会来挽救自己的生命,然而她却没有让自己利用这个机会。她是他们之中最勇敢的一位,选择了由自己的意愿来死亡,而非受死神的随意来摆布

Posted by Dave Hopkirk
The title is from the first line of Sailing to Byzantium by William Butler Yeats, a poet classically trained and considered by many to be the greatest 20th Century poet.
Death is Anton Chigurh. His hair style (hood-ish, shroud-ish) and black clothing suggest Death. Death kills the innocent as well as the guilty and has his own set of rules. When the witness to the high-rise killing asks, “Are you going to kill me?” Death answers, “It depends. Do you see me?” When the kids on the bicycles help him after the car accident he tells them, “You didn't see me.” If you see Death, you die; if not, you may live. Chigurh seems to come and go at will and seems to know where Moss is without trying very hard. His rules are his rules and they seem arbitrary and random. He is referred to by the sheriff as a “ghost” and he seems to be able to go wherever he pleases.
Death kills with a cattle stun gun, almost like a member of the clergy administering a cross to the forehead of a parishoner. Death is often portrayed as a hooded figure with a scythe; in this case he's a “hooded” figure with a cattle stun gun.
Man is Llewellen Moss, part sinner, part saint. He is offered a deal with Death when Death offers to ignore his wife but take him. Instead, Llewellen challenges Death and chooses declines the offer. This is straight Faustian bargaining. By declining Death's “This is the best deal you're gonna get” Moss signs not only his own death warrant but his wife's, too.
Llewellen challenges Death to a showdown and when his wife tells the sheriff, “He won't quit, neither. Never has.” the audience expects a later showdown because we've been trained to see the protagonist take on the antagonist at the climax of a story — but before that can happen life's randomness gets in the way and the Mexicans kill him. This is the major turn in the movie and the one that takes the sail out of the audience, which has been cheering for Man in his struggle against Death without realizing it.
Free Will is Carla Jean. She chooses at the end of the film not to allow Death to be random. She has a 50% chance of saving herself but chooses not to avail herself of the opportunity. She is the bravest of the lot, choosing to die by her own decision and not the randomness of Death.
The sheriff is the philosopher trying to understand the universe. He cannot and is defeated by Death in his attempt. At the movie's end the Sheriff bemoans the fact that God never entered his life. One of God's creatures, Death, was in the Sheriff's life but he didn't realize it (see “Scene with Sheriff” below). The story is the Sheriff's, his quest to understand Life, and the dream he tells at the end of the movie explains that his own father, long dead, has gone before him into the darkness of death and awaits him.
Interesting parallel — Moss pays money for a coat as he crosses into Mexico; Chigurh pays the kids money for a shirt after his accident. What is meant by that? Cannot be a coincidence.
Chigurh walking away from the accident at the end shows that Death cannot be stopped. It will always walk the streets. It is a part of our existence forever.
Scene with the Sheriff and Death at the same hotel room at the same time but the Sheriff does not see Death. This scene is vital — it solidifies the allegory. The Sheriff enters the room but does not see Death and so he does not die. Death sees the sheriff but chooses not to kill him because he's not seen in return. This scene is the “supernatural” scene which signals that we've watching an allegory, that what we've been watching is more than it appears.
Why 1980 for the book/film when it was written in 2005? Could it be it was begun then and the author simply chose not to update it? What is the reason? Must be one. Might be nothing more than the author started this 25 years ago and didn't feel like updating it to present times.
This is a wonderful movie!

何谓“老无所依'? No country for old Men
其实,这里的OLD MEN不是指老人,而是指一种生活状态。为什么这么说呢?想想美国历史就知道,在70到80年代,美国经济出现了滞涨,即通货膨胀经济停滞,一直到里根时期才结束。而在二战后到60年代,美国经济经历了空前的繁荣。当时所有的美国人相信,只要努力工作,就会有美好的未来,他们也是这样教育自己的子女。但是60年代出生的人却发现,当自己走向工作岗位的时候,美国经济却出现了萧条,大量的失业使得人们对生活丧失了信心,当初的种种理想与抱负明显与现实不符。而且美国当时又深陷越战泥潭,美国的年轻人自暴自弃,就是所谓的“被遗弃的一代”。
OLD MEN恰恰是对这种问题的一种反思。当人们认为未来会如何如何按照某种规律发展的时候,他们就成为了OLD MEN。举个例子吧,如果你的父亲是一名大学教授,你也会以此为榜样,从小好好学习,立志向父辈一样做一个受人尊重的人,那么,抱有这种思想的你,就是一个“老人”了。事实上,未来生活中的各种风风雨雨与突发事件都会让你不去选择做教授,生活是不存在规律可言的。
影片中结尾处老警察与妻子的对话是最令人不解的,其实那正是影片的点精之笔:在雪地里,父亲为年轻的儿子打着灯指引着方向。我们不妨在脑海中构思这样一个画面:儿子在后面,崇敬的看着父亲,感受着力量与安全,希望有朝一日能够像父亲一样。但是当父亲的大旗熄灭的时候,儿子迷失了,作为一名警察,他无力再保护证人,无法再与杀人魔(社会)相抗衡,等待他的只有退休,原因是他没有了那盏“父亲的灯”,他失去了方向,变得比父亲还老。这个环节与开头的独白相呼应,老警察陈述家世,与最后的无所依从成为鲜明对比。父辈的旗帜到底在何方? 相信看到这里,大家应该可以体会到老无所依的感觉了吧。老,并不是人老,而是跟不上社会的变化,有太多的依赖性。如果您还把这部电影当作惊悚片来看,那我就无语了。如果不了解美国20世纪下半页的历史,那这部电影您还是当惊悚片看吧。这部电影就是旨在展现越战后美国人的生活态度以及前途未卜的不确定性心理,反思人与社会的关系,是一部地地道道的文艺片,它借助了追杀这一紧张的剧情设计,巧妙的有层次的展现出了社会变化带给人的不稳定性。

发表于 2008-3-8 21:15:56 | 只看该作者
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